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My different videos on YouTube
Abbreviations for knitting machines
Artknitter Machine knitting patterns ~ Quick projects ~ Free patterns
Bond Video Club Lots of free video's for the Bond, 4 CD's in all. These files are large even some of the single ones, and you will need Real Player to view them on your computer only and may need a download manager to get them.
Cleaning your machines
Clearwater Knits by Irene Woods. She has some books and also some free patterns on her site. One of which is a free Ear Flap Hat pattern for the standard gauge with Fair Isle incorporated into it. I did my hat the same way but more trying to show one how to take their favorite hat pattern and add the Ear Flaps to it. There is more than one way to do this pattern and Ear Flap Hats have been around from before my time.
Country Threads You can get all sort of things done here, I did get myself a tee shirt with "I Love Knitting" on it in rhinestones.
Hobbies: Sewing Resources at Home A BIG thanks to Kelly for telling me about this site
Knitting and Other Craft Activities For Kids
Knitting Machine Center has items for sale
Knitting Today Bond and LK parts
Kris Krafter New Garter Bars, other gauges to be added as they get them made
Lindo Style She has some real interesting items that she has made and for sale
Links to many other sites
Mar Heck's Blog that has her Ear Flap Hat that was worked up on the mid gauge machine. Plus she has other free patterns there as well.
Pattern Generators plus more
Passap, Brother and Studio accessories and parts
Sandee's Kwik Knit Books, Patterns and Videos
Tips, Hints and Troubleshooting How to fix certain problems you may get with your Bond Machines
Troubleshooting most knitting machine problems
Yarn, Hand needles, and Machine settings What HK needles compare with Machine KP or Dial Setting