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Another Booty Pattern
- Close CO 33 sts with main color. Row
counter at zeros. Hang comb. (If you have a bond, do what you have to in order to start out with a closed cast on with the
- Knit to row counter 7.
- Push 12 NDLs on opposite side of carriage to HP, then K the remaining 21 sts. Take yarn out of
carriage to knit up in WY for the 3 sections.
- Put first 12 sts on WY and remove.
- Put last 12 sts on WY and remove.
- Put center 9 sts on WY and remove. Remove comb or hem ( preferably first).
- Turn knitting so knit side is facing and rehang only center 9 sts. Use claw weights and remove WY.
Place carriage on side with MY tail. Knit 1 row. RC 000.
- Place first stitch closes to knitting on machine on opposite side of carriage on end needle above
WY so there are 2 sts on the end needle. Turn knitting inward before picking up stitch. Knit row.
- Repeat step8 to RC 11.
- Repeat step 8 but before knitting row, pull out 6 needles closest to knitting and pick up remaining sts on WY on that side and transfer to machine.
Knit row.
- Pull out 6 needles on opposite side of carriage and hang remaining sts above WY. Change to cast on comb or hem. Knit row.
- Knit to RC 29. Bind off. If you prefer a ribbed leg, release and relatch up every other sts and then bind off.
- To finish sole,( cast on sts) you can either divide sts on 2 needles and graft together with kitchener st for an invisible finish or you can hang half the sts, push behind latches, hang second half of sts on same needles and knit together and then bind off.
- Sew back seam. Weave in ends.
You may sell the item you make from this pattern (I do not have any right to tell you that you cannot sell the finished product, that is against the law - For more detail on this, please look at this page), you may not sell or give away the pattern itself. Nor shall it be put into any web page or magazine without my consent. Please email me first before doing so. All Rights Reserved
(c) Roberta Rose Kelley 2010
© Roberta Rose Kelley ~ All Rights Reserved