Starting from the 3rd stitch in, transfer EON over and leaving 2 sts on the other end in work.
Put empty needles out of work, TD5 and knit across.
Put empty needles in Work and knit to RC20
Hang first row to form the folded Picot Hem (Or do about 5 or 6 rows and reform to rib of your choice)
Reset counter to zeros. Knit 4 rows.
Select what needles you want to have eyelets, I started at the 5th needle from the end and did every 4th needle. Transfer those needles one way. Leave empty needles out of work.
Knit across. Turn with garter bar to make the Garter Ridge. If not then do the eyelets or plain knit. Move the carriage to the other side and if it trips the counter, put it back.
Take the yarn ladder and hang on the empty needles. Knit across and again turn work again.
Repeat from step 3 to step 6 twice more.
After the last row worked after turning, decrease 1 st each side.
Knit 2 rows. Decrease again until you have 41 sts.
Bind off 14 sts the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Knit across then start the SAYG until the back meets the corner of the sides.
Bind off all sts your favorite way.
Now start up an I-Cord with maybe 30 to 50 rows knitted (I didn't count the row that was slipped). If using a counter it will read double what you do.
Now start hanging the bonnet from the join of the folded or picot hem and next time go 2 rows up, or if you did rib, then from the beginning. When you're on the back part of the bonnet then go every 3rd st to form the small gather in the back.
When you're at the other end of the bonnet, and then continue I-Cord for the same 30 to 50 rows as before.
Hide all yarn tails.
You may sell the item you make from this pattern (I do not have any right to tell you that you cannot sell the finished product, that is against the law - For more detail on this, please look at this page), you may not sell or give away the pattern itself. Nor shall it be put into any web page or magazine without my consent. Please email me first before doing so. All Rights Reserved
(c) Roberta Rose Kelley March 17, 2013