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Remember that the "M" in the chart is a stitch that is moved over then you will Make 1 or Increase 1 stitch on the empty needle
Here is the first chart that I used, with 2 stitches on the point going up
Here is the second chart that I use, with 1 stitch on the point going up
This is a good project to use up some of your left over yarn from other projects
What I did on this one was Cast On 24 stitches
Knit 1 row across
When the Carriage is on the Left, Take the 12 stitches right of zero and move them one over to the Left
When the Carriage is on the Right, Take the 12 stitches left of zero and move them one over to the Right
Leave the end needle in HP or FWP so that it will catch the yarn and do what is called a Yarn Over but also where one is decreasing one stitch, one needs to increase one stitch to keep the same amount of stitches
Now one can keep making the strips for as long as they want and sew or crochet them together to make an afghan
One can also make either a wide strip for a scarf or maybe 2 strips as I have with the 24 stitches. Of course it all depends on the yarn and machine as well as how many stitches one starts out with as to how wide the strips will be