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Adult Long Ski Mask for the Bulky knitting machine only

Worked tubular

NOTE: Have a couple of lengths of same color yarn ready for later.

Gauge at TD5 is 4 sts and 7 rows = 1".

CO R21 - R40, K 42 rows, reform to rib. When done push those NDLs to HP.

CO L20 - R20, K 42 rows, reform to rib. When done push those NDLs to HP.

CO L21 - L40, K 42 rows, reform to rib. When done push the NDLs in HP to FWP.

RC 000

K 64 rows (can do less rows if you want here).

Now with same color yarn, BO the center 24 sts.

With the other same color yarn, CO those same 24 sts.

RC 000

K 38 rows.

Transfer EON over 1 NDL.

K 3 rows.

Gather BO.

Sew back seam and pull yarn after the 4th row to gather up the top tight.

Weave in all ends.

The eye hole will curl a little, I left mine that way, but you can put some SC on it if you don't like that curl. Of before you BO, do a few rows of rib. And after you do the same rows after the CO of the eye hole, also reform to rib, say 3 rows should be good.

You can see the seam in the back through the eye slit and also the side view shows the ribbing separated. This style comes in very handy for the cold area's.

If you want to make a child's size one, just do about one forth less stitches as well as rows.

Long Ski Mask Knitted Tubular

First I worked up 1x1 rib of 50 stitches and 42 rows, worked the first section off on Waste Yarn

Next I worked up the 2nd section the same, when done put the knitter stitches over to the ribber

Replace the first section onto the knitter needles

Set up double bed machine to knit tubular

Then I knitted 128 rows on the counter (64 rounds)

Hand knit 30 center stitches on the knitter, pull the yarn tails below

Continue tubular knitting for 20 rounds (40 on the counter)

Now the fun part of decreasing so that the hat crown will have 4 points to it

*Take the 2nd stitch from the end, put to the end needle, bring those 2 stitches back to the empty needle on both beds

Then take R2 and move to R1, move L2 over to L1

Move all stitches inwards so there are no empty needles in the work area**

Knit 2 rounds

Repeat from * to ** until you have 8 to 12 stitches in total

Knit 1 more round and cut leaving enough to do a gather bind off

Pull the yarn tail to the inside of the hat and knot it off good

Now crochet around the Main Color around the eye opening into the loops so that the work will not unravel

Remove Waste Yarn

Weave in any yarn tails

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