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This is for the original sleeve pattern (sorry, I forgot the body pattern part)
Now this is where you will work from, reversing the knitting from the above pattern to knit the set in sleeve from the top of the sleeve to the cuff.
Hang 80 sts, that will include the bound off 6 sts at the beginning shaping of the sleeve cap.
Put all sts to HP, set carriage to Hold.
Now start knitting 1 row of the center 18 sts.
Inc 1 st opposite carriage side by pulling the next needle from HP to FWP every row 16 times (would be 8 sts added to each side).
Then on the 2nd and 3rd row add a needle as above twice.
Now as the first every row 18 times.
Bring last 6 needles opposite carriage to FWP, knit across, twice.
Now all needles are in work.
Here you will now decrease and then work the cuff.
Dec 1 st each end of every 6th row 14 times, work to RC132 (that is this pattern only as if you look at the above directions, it was knit from row 84 to 90 which is 6 rows and the same as the dec row. So you need to just reverse the increasing to decreasing but also from the top down.