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This is how I made my cast-on comb for my Bond EZ-Knitter
According to the pic, make the cuts on a bunch of large paper clips.
Next put either end that fits into a metal rod, like one that came with the machine.
Close up of the paper clips super glue-d to the rod.
You still need to use the weighted hem that came with the machine, but now I can move it up, when it gets close to the floor.
I also put the clips every other needle, so it wouldn't be too much, and when I start out my
project with waste yarn, I start out with every other needle, lay the waste yarn over the ends of each needle,
then put the cast on comb on the yarn. You may have to hold the yarn the first few rows so that it will not pull
it out.
Oh I forgot to mention how I lined them up. I was able to acquire a used USM to extend my EZ Knitter, which
I did. Had a few left ofer, so I took one little piece of the machine, to left, and put the clips around the rod,
then put them on the extension, when they were lined up, I moved them of the extension, and onto a newspaper, then
glue went into place. I hope that I made this clear enough.
My Second Comb, made the same as the above, but this time I did the every needle, and used a stronger glue. This is only good for when your using most or all of your needles for a project. If working on something half the needles, you will want to make a small cast on comb so it won't be so heavy.
Closer view of the threaded rod and the paper clips wraped around and glued in place.